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AFAO: Better to Know

Better to Know is a sexual health resource for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. It provides information about common sexually transmitted infections (STIs), what to do if you have an STI and where to get tested. It contains information that deals with both men’s and women’s business.

AIDS Council of NSW (ACON)

Established in 1985, our early years were defined by community coming together to respond to the HIV/AIDS epidemic in NSW, and we remain committed to ending HIV for everyone in our communities.

We do this by delivering campaigns and programs to eliminate new HIV transmissions. Supporting people living with HIV to live healthy and connected lives remains core to our work.

Ask Nurse Nettie

I’m Nurse Nettie – a real, qualified sexual health nurse based in Sydney. If you’ve got a question about sex or sexual health then I’d love to hear from you. It’s completely confidential* and trust me I have heard it all. So, ask away.

Australian Federation of AIDS Organisations

As the peak national organisation for Australia’s community HIV response, AFAO (the Australian Federation of AIDS Organisations) is recognised both globally and nationally for the leadership, policy expertise, health promotion, coordination and support we provide.

Through advocacy, policy and health promotion, we champion awareness, understanding and proactivity around HIV prevention, education, support and research. AFAO provides a voice for communities affected by HIV and leads the national conversation on HIV.

Body Talk

Family Planning NSW is the state’s leading provider of reproductive and sexual health services. We are experts on contraception, pregnancy options, sexually transmissible infections (STIs), sexuality and sexual function, menstruation, menopause, common gynaecological and vaginal problems, cervical screening, breast awareness and men’s sexual health.


We’re committed to working with our communities to virtually put a stop to new HIV transmissions, and one of the key ways to achieving that is by getting everyone at risk of HIV to test regularly.

Family Planning NSW

Family Planning Australia is the state’s leading provider of reproductive and sexual health services.

We are experts on reproductive and sexual health and provide clinical services and health information to people throughout NSW.

Gender Centre

The Gender Centre Inc. is the peak state-wide multidisciplinary center of excellence providing a broad range of specialised services that enables the exploration of gender identity and assistance with the alleviation of gender dysphoria.

We support trans and gender expressive people at every stage of their journey as they explore their authentic sense of self.

Jean Hailes For Women’s Health

Jean Hailes for Women’s Health is a national not-for-profit organisation dedicated to improving women’s health across Australia through every life stage.

Let Them Know

This website has been developed by Melbourne Sexual Health Centre to help people who have been diagnosed with Chlamydia, Gonorrhoea, Mycoplasma genitalium, Syphilis and Trichomonas to tell their sexual partners that they might also be at risk. It also provides local service information for:

  • ACT residents, this is supported by Canberra Sexual Health Centre. 
  • NSW health residents, this is supported by NSW STI Programs Unit. 
  • Qld residents, this is supported by Qld Department of Health Sexual Health website. 

NSW Health: Contact Details for Public Health Units

In NSW calling 1300 066 055 will direct you to your local Public Health Unit.

NSW Health: Sexual Health Clinics

For sexual health information and advice, or to find your closest appropriate sexual health service, call the NSW Sexual Health Infolink on 1800 451 624.

Please note: sites which offer Rapid HIV testing to gay and other homosexually active men are shown in green indicators on the map, and noted in the table below.​

NSW Health: Sexual Health Plus

The NSW Health Sexual Health plus provides a portal with links to NSW Health strategies, reports, services, policy directives and guidelines, as well as national research policies and agencies relating to sexually transmissible infections (STIs) and blood borne viruses (BBVs).

NSWSTI Programs Unit

Providing state-wide leadership in STI health promotion and service development.

Play Safe

The Play Safe website developed by NSW Health provides comprehensive information on Sexual Health, STI’s and Safe Sex.

Positive Life NSW

We work to promote a positive image of people living with and affected by HIV with the aim of eliminating prejudice, isolation, stigma and discrimination.

Our aims and objectives are:

  • to empower people living with HIV in NSW with information, referral and advice on all relevant issues; in particular health promotion information and matters dealing with life issues
  • to advocate on behalf of people living with HIV and lobby government, business and non-government organisations about issues of concern to people living with HIV, with the aim of ensuring optimum well-being, care and support for people living with HIV/AIDS, our partners, family members and significant others
  • to work closely with the HIV-specific and mainstream health and community sectors and other relevant organisations in the pursuit of these objectives.

Post Exposure Prophylaxis PEP

It is believed taking PEP can prevent HIV, however the evidence is not conclusive. Taking PEP does not guarantee that you won’t become HIV positive. It is offered as a last resort. Safe sex and safe injecting are still the best way to avoid HIV.

You can be assessed for PEP at sexual health clinics, doctors (including some general practitioners) who specialise in HIV/AIDS, and hospital accident and emergency departments (which are open 24 hours). If possible, seek assistance from a doctor who specialises in HIV or sexual health clinic first.

If you would like further information about PEP or have other questions you would like answered you can call 1800 PEP NOW (1800 737 669). The service operates 24 hours.

Pozhet: Heterosexual HIV Service

Pozhet began in 1993 as a small, volunteer-run organisation. As a result of the commitment and dedication of key members and staff, Pozhet is now a state-wide service funded by the NSW Ministry of Health and hosted by Sydney Local Health District. It is located at the Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Camperdown campus in Sydney and managed by the HIV and Related Programs Unit, Population Health.

Pozhet works with:

  • heterosexual people at risk of HIV
  • heterosexual people living with HIV
  • health professionals.

For heterosexual people at risk of HIV, Pozhet offers news and information about HIV, including the latest on testing and prevention. We also deliver campaigns encouraging people to consider their risk of HIV and how they can reduce the chance of acquisition.

For heterosexual people living with HIV, Pozhet offers information, support and referral to key services. We also create opportunities for heterosexual people living with HIV to meet each other and share their stories and experiences.

For health professionals, Pozhet offers advocacy, advice and training to support services to work better with heterosexual PLHIV.

Sexual Health Infolink

The Sexual Health Infolink is a NSW Ministry of Health funded telephone and internet-based information and referral service. It has been operating since 1989 and is staffed by specialist sexual health nurses. 

Our aim is to promote the sexual health of the NSW community through providing accurate and timely information and referral options. 

Sydney Sexual Health

Sydney Sexual Health Centre (SSHC) is the oldest sexual health service in NSW, operating since 1933. We are a busy centre offering testing, treatment and management for sexually transmissible infections (STIs) and HIV.

We are part of the Directorate of Population and Community Health (PaCH) within South Eastern Sydney Local Health District (SESLHD), which is funded by the NSW Ministry of Health.