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Jean Hailes For Women’s Health

Jean Hailes for Women’s Health is a national not-for-profit organisation dedicated to improving women’s health across Australia through every life stage.

Kidney Health

Get the support and find resources to help you manage and treat kidney disease.

Know Pathology Know Healthcare

The purpose of Know Pathology Know Healthcare and all resources on this website is to help the Australian public improve their own health literacy and to inform them about what pathology is and the important role it plays in their healthcare.

Know Your Noise

The purpose of the Know Your Noise website is to provide accurate and meaningful information about noise exposure and its impact on your hearing health.  

It’s a place where you can get personalised information that’s directly relevant to your own situation.

You can find out whether your levels of noise exposure (at work and play) are putting you at risk of hearing damage, and you can take a hearing test to see how well you hear in a noisy background.

Law Access NSW

LawAccess NSW is a free government telephone service that provides legal information, referrals and in some cases, advice for people who have a legal problem in NSW.

Law Term Finder

LawTermFinder is a free online dictionary of the words and phrases used in Australia Family Law and mediation services.

Legal Aid NSW

Legal Aid NSW provides legal services to disadvantaged clients across NSW in most areas of criminalfamily and civil law.

Legal Aid NSW also assists people experiencing domestic and family violence.

Our services include:

  • free legal advice to disadvantaged people about issues that affect them. Call LawAccess NSW on 1300 888 529 to find out if you can get legal advice.
  • legal representation for eligible clients, provided through duty services and case grants for ongoing representation
  • family dispute resolution services to parties in a family law dispute
  • free workshops and webinars for the public and community organisations
  • free legal information written in plain English to help people resolve their legal problems
  • specialist services for particular groups in the community.

Let Them Know

This website has been developed by Melbourne Sexual Health Centre to help people who have been diagnosed with Chlamydia, Gonorrhoea, Mycoplasma genitalium, Syphilis and Trichomonas to tell their sexual partners that they might also be at risk. It also provides local service information for:

  • ACT residents, this is supported by Canberra Sexual Health Centre. 
  • NSW health residents, this is supported by NSW STI Programs Unit. 
  • Qld residents, this is supported by Qld Department of Health Sexual Health website. 

Leukaemia Foundation

The Leukaemia Foundation is Australia’s peak body for blood cancer, funding research and providing free services to support people with leukaemia, lymphoma, myeloma and related blood disorders, and their families. 

LGBTIQ+ Health Australia

LGBTIQ+ Health Australia is the national peak health organisation in Australia for organisations and individuals that provide health-related programs, services and research focused on lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans/transgender, intersex, queer and other sexuality, gender, and bodily diverse people.

We recognise that people’s genders, bodies, relationships and sexualities affect their health and wellbeing in every domain of their life.


We are a national charity providing all Australians experiencing emotional distress with access to 24 hour crisis support and suicide prevention services. We are committed to empowering Australians to be suicide-safe through connection, compassion and hope.


Link2home is the statewide homelessness information and referral telephone service. It is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, every day of the year.

For information, assessment or referral to homelessness services and support in NSW, call Link2home.

  • Domestic Violence Line ‍1800 656 463
  • Link2home Homelessness ‍1800 152 152
  • Link2Home Veterans and Ex-Service ‍1800 326 989
  • Child Protection Helpline ‍13 2111

Liver Foundation

We help people take control of their health and act to halt and reverse their liver damage.

We connect liver patients to vital resources and services to help them manage their condition and achieve a better quality of life.

We fund life-changing research and deliver support that gives hope to people living with liver disease or liver cancer.

We advocate for policy change and champion equitable access to treatment and care.

We offer a holistic view of all causes of liver disease in children and adults.

Lung Foundation

Lung Foundation Australia is the only charity and leading peak body of its kind in Australia that funds life-changing research and delivers support services that give hope to people living with lung disease or lung cancer.

Since 1990, we have been working to ensure lung health is a priority for all, from promoting lung health and early diagnosis, advocating for policy change and research investment, raising awareness about the symptoms and prevalence of lung disease and championing equitable access to treatment and care.

M.E.R.I.T (Magistrates Early Referral Into Treatment)

The Magistrates Early Referral Into Treatment (MERIT) program is a voluntary, pre-plea program for adults in the Local Court who have issues related to their alcohol and other drug use.

MERIT provides access to a wide range of alcohol and other drug treatment services for 12 weeks while court matters are adjourned. MERIT has operated since 2000 and is currently available at 62 of the 137 Local Courts in NSW.

Macular Disease Foundation Australia

Macular Disease Foundation Australia is the national peak body representing the interests of the 8.5m Australians living with or at risk of macular disease and their families.

Master Locksmith Access Key

The Master Locksmiths Access Key (MLAK) system is an MLAA initiative that allows people with disability access to dedicated public facilities, including facilities in National Parks and many Council municipalities, elevators at railway stations, the new Changing Places facilities throughout Australia, disabled toilets that are locked, and even the Liberty Swing.

High Security Master Keyed Systems are designed to incorporate a Top-Level Master Key or Grand Master Key that can open all locks on a site, even if different areas have different dedicated keys. It was launched back in 1994 as a joint venture between Pittwater Council, ACROD and the MLAA, before being implemented Nationally.

People with a disability are able to purchase an MLAK key that will open all doors, toilets, playground equipment and other facilities fitted with a lock that uses the special MLAK cylinder.

Men’s Referral Service

The Men’s Referral Service (MRS) provides anonymous and confidential telephone counselling, information and referrals to men to help them take action to stop using violent and controlling behaviour.

Mental Health Australia

Mental Health Australia is the peak, national non-government organisation representing and promoting the interests of the Australian mental health sector and committed to achieving better mental health for all Australians.

Mental Health Carers NSW

Mental Health Carers NSW (‘MHCN’, formerly Arafmi NSW) is a non-government organisation. We are the peak body for mental health carers in NSW. We engage in systemic advocacy to reflect the voices and needs of carers and drive change in the mental health system.