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Forward Ability Support

Forward embodies the idea that no matter where any of us may be physically or mentally, there is always the opportunity to move forward.

Having worked closely with people living with a spinal cord injury since 1961, our focus is on finding solutions that give you every opportunity to achieve any goal you set for yourself. We’re here to help you with whatever it is you need to live a life that matters to you.

Neuroscience Research Australia NeuRA

Neuroscience Research Australia (NeuRA) is an independent, not-for-profit research institute based in Sydney, Australia. As a leader in brain and nervous system research, our goal is to prevent, treat and cure brain and nervous system diseases, disorders and injuries through medical research.

Some of the many aspects of neuroscience we explore include:

  • Degenerative brain diseases such as Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s and other dementias
  • Mental illnesses such as bipolar disorder and schizophrenia
  • Developmental disorders such as autism and Asperger’s syndrome
  • Neurological disorders including obstructive sleep apnoea, nerve damage and chronic pain
  • Falls and Balance in the elderly
  • Rehabilitation after stroke and spinal cord injury
  • Increasing the safety of car travel for children and adults.

Spinal Cord Injuries Australia

Spinal Cord Injuries Australia is all about promoting independence, and continues today with a proud history of providing consumer based support and rehabilitation services to people with physical disabilities.

Our journey began 40 years ago when we were formed as the Australian Quadriplegic Association.SCIA is a national, member based organisation.

We have physical locations in Sydney and regional New South Wales, Australian Capital Territory, Victoria, Queensland, South Australia and Western Australia, and we support people nationwide.